There are 2 types of products sold on this website. Those which can be shipped are referred to as PHYSICAL PRODUCTS. They will likely be sent through Canada Post.
Then there is the other type: DIGITAL DOWNLOADS!
This is the crossroads website page for both types of sellable goods made by Palu. Click on either link for the product category you're interested in (just mentioned). This is the most thorough method for discovering all the goods made by Palu.
Brief mention of "Palu's E-Goods" can also be found in the navigation bar on the "Palu Affiliate Program" page.
(Besides clicking the links, you can also find these pages on the NAVIGATION BAR and click on them there as well.
For your convenience, here are the links:
If you don't feel like clicking on either link above, you may opt instead to click on any of the images you find on this crossroads page.
The first batch of images represent the Physical, Shippable Goods by Palu.
The second batch of images represent the Downloadable, Digital, E-Commerce Goods by Palu.
Clicking on any of the images you see on this page will take you directly to another website page represented by the object (either on this website or another).
All the "Shippable Hard Goods" use Paypal to tally up order totals and purchases either through use of Paypal Buy Buttons or the Paypal Shopping Cart.
Conversely, all "Downloadable Digital Goods" use Payloadz to tally up order totals and purchases using the Payloadz Buy Buttons or Payloadz shopping cart (at this time).
Besides listing the various Hard Goods and Downloadable Digital Goods by Palu here on the website... this page also lists associated links to other Palu Websites and Third-Party Websites plus website-stores that host Palu's products. These are other places where both Palu's Hard & Digital Goods are found.
For example, many of Palu's "Digital and Downloadable Goods" will themselves be found on the Payloadz Digital Store (amongst others). Look ahead for Palu E-Books, Palu Audio-books, Palu Pod-casts, Palu-Videos, Palu "How-To-Videos," and of course more Palu-Songs on this website and the Payloadz Digital Store.
In time many people are going to want to have crochee'd hats, bags, hacki-sacs, bikinis, scarfs and slippers Palu creates.
Palu's Solar Meditation Bow is extraordinary, giving a new sense of inward sight to blind and colorblind persons as well as opening up "the third eye" in human beings. Thanks to the exposure Palu had on "The Dragons' Den," anyone watching the video of Palu's pitch or seeing snapshots of the show are going to want one.
Instrumental music to play during demonstrations of Palu's kaleidoscope has already been requested. People want to listen to Palu's songs and instrumental pieces. The masses loved Palu's dijeridoo playing and song Palu sang on "The Dragons' Den."
Many people are already inspired by the various books Palu writes, which will multiply as Palu begins to produce E-Books and Audio-Books.
A wizard at music in creating freestyle songs, people will finally yearn for Palu's CD's and DVD's. Attracted to the various types of clothing Palu makes, people the world over will want his awesome wrap-around pants, Yoga pants, sashes, head-bands, jewlery and pendants Palu makes.
Though currently inexperienced, Palu hopes one day to be able to create software and applications helpful to this world. Anything Palu puts his mind to, has the opportunity to manifest. If he can create "The 8th Wonder Of The World" (which he's already done through his kaleidoscope), what's to say Palu can't create software and applications? We'll see what the future unfolds.
Known for creating wonderful musical instruments, everyone will want Palu's dijeridoos, PVC, wood & bamboo flutes, pan pipes, tone drums, loon whistles, mini-tone drums, marimbas and musical shakers produced by Palu.
The incredible list of Palu's creations goes on and on! No wonder Palu is a total "brand" unto himself!
As a refresher, click on the two links above to go to these Hard Goods and E-Goods pages. Otherwise click on the images below which serve as links in themselves for the objects they represent.
* Remember this website constitutes "a work in process." As a "work in progress," the list of Hard Goods and Downloadable Goods may start off small but increase in size through time.
What follows next are Pictue-Links where all you have to do is click on the picture of the object that interests you. Doing so will enable you to learn more about the product and enable you to order or purchase it if desired..